Sunday, July 31, 2011

Benefits of Green Tea and Apple Cider Vinegar (you want to read this!)

I wanted to share with you today a few things that I am really excited about.  One that I have tried myself and the other that I am going to be starting very soon.  The first thing I am going to talk about it Green Tea and it's benefits.
A few months after I got married (November 14, 2009 wedding date) I started to notice the skin on my face breaking out.  I have never really had a problem with my skin.  Of course I have had a few blemishes here and there, but for the main part I really got quite lucky on that end.  My skin became so bad that I looked into products like ProActiv and Murad to help contain the problem.  Both of these products, plus many other acne products, contain Salicylic Acid.  This is AWFUL for my skin!  My skin actually became even worse after using these products.  In desperation I turned to YouTube to find some alternatives to the harsh effects of acne face washes.  After learning all about different concoctions to put on your face I came across a few videos recommending Green Tea.  As I am a tea freak anyway (yeah, I really am a Brit), I thought this would be a perfect thing to try.
I started out by brewing my own Green Tea in the mornings and taking it to work in my Thermos cup and drinking it at work.  Within the first two weeks I noticed not just a difference on my face but my body all over.  My face problems are completely gone!  My boss has told me that my skin is flawless, haha (ok this makes me sound a bit conceited, but I am just putting it in here to show the awesome benefits of GT!).  Also, I felt more awake in the mornings.  Even though Green Tea does contain caffeine, it contains less than coffee and most teas, so you can get the slight boost of energy that you need without the jitters and the common crash of high doses of coffee.  I also noticed a slight drop in my weight when paired with healthy eating and exercise of course.  Green Tea has been associated with weight loss, but don't think you can just drink this and be super skinny.  On that note though I will say that drinking such a good for you drink in the morning really sets the stage for making good, healthy choices throughout the day.  And having more energy makes you want to exercise.
Green Tea is mainly known for having a high antioxident level, higher even than some leafy greens.  Antioxidents are what helps kill the free radicals in your body.  These mean guys destroy healthy cell growth and existing cells.  The biggest problem with this cell destruction is cancer growth.  Green Tea has been shown to stop people from getting certain types of cancers.  If it does that just think about all the other benefits it has for your body!
I love drinking Green Tea because it is a great way for me to get wonderful nutrition for my body without taking a daily vitamin, which all make me sick to my stomach.  I even drink hot tea during the summer as it actually makes you perspire and then in turn cools you off.  I also just found out that if you drink Green tea 2 hours after a workout, it kicks your metabolism into high gear, burning 1/3 more fat than normally would be burned after your workout.
Next I want to talk about Apple Cider Vinegar.  This is something that I have yet to try but from the research I have done, I am really excited to get started.  ACV is made by a process where apple cider is left past the point of fermenting into alcohol, ending in the vinegar stage.  Most people's eating habits are not always the best and we tend to have a pretty acidic pH level in our bodies because of this.  Even though ACV is in fact acidic itself, it has an alkeline effect on the body, neautralizing our bodies pH levels.  What this means for you?  When your body is in balance, your health and wellness shoots up!  A few things that ACV has been known to help with are weight loss, diabetes, acne, other skin issues like eczema, digestive issues and arthritis just to name a few. 
When looking for ACV try to get the unfiltered, unprocessed kind.  This way the goodness of the ACV will not have been taken out by trying to make the product "look good" for the consumer. 
Green tea is obvious pretty easy to figure out how to ingest.  Just brew yourself a hot cup every morning and enjoy.  If it is just too hot, try brewing a big batch at night and leaving it in the fridge over night to cool.  Then in the morning you can have an iced Green tea, it is really good with a tablespoon of honey!  Most importantly make your own Green tea.  Pre-packaged Green tea does not hold nearly as many antioxidents as if you do it yourself, and hey let's face it, it CHEAPER!
For ACV the easiest way to take it is in the morning before breakfast.  Take a quick shot glass of it and you are over and done with it!  If you just can't take the taste of it, try adding it to a full glass of water, fruit juice, or veggie juice.
Wow!  That was really long!  Sorry about that, but I really hope that this helped you guys and that maybe you will try some of these super easy and super good for you ideas!
Sending much love and health your way!
Thanks for reading!
Gabby xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous...I'm off to the break room to make me a cup of Green Tea (it's been 4 hours since I worked out this AM but I'll try it anyway :) )
    And ... I have some ACV in the pantry, I'll have to see if it's unfiltered etc...but I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it the old One, Two go I suppose ;)
