Friday, July 29, 2011

Rain and Fire

It is ACTUALLY raining!  Not just rain for a few minutes and then the baking sun comes out again, no, it's like a thunderstorm out there.  We have not had a recordable amount of rain since last September, with the exception of last Friday.  It must be a Friday thing I guess.  This British girl needs rain to survive!  Desert living is probably not the best idea for that, haha.  As I am typing this Matt just got called out on a fire.  Hmmmmm you say?  Yeah I know, same here!  The thing about storms in the desert is that everything is super dry and when there is rain there is usually lightening, which then in turn sets all the dry stuff on fire.  Matt had to work until 7 and now has to turn around at 7:33 and go back in.  We are both very over this fire season.  Our taco salad dinner which we were just about to start has now turned into a Hot Pocket for Matt and a bowl of cereal for myself.  Woohoo!
Now it comes down to what movie to watch?  Or in my case, probably, what book to read?  Let me know your suggestions. 
Here are a few quick pics of the babies.  Milo looks crazy, like normal and Tucker just wants some belly rubs, he's definitely the easy child, haha.
Thanks for reading!
Loving the rain, done with the fires,
Gabby xoxox

Milo playing with the camera cord

Tucker boy, giving his best puppy dog eyes, awwwww :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update and neat photos, Gabby. Here in Ks it's another "Excessive Heat" day. :{( B's off to work, and N is heading back home. Sure enjoyed her short visit! Yes, the life of a firefighter -- you never know when "duty calls!" Proud of him and his service. Take Care, Bob
